Excelsior Charter Schools is committed to providing a rigorous Mathematics program for students, preparing them for college and their future. The governing board acknowledges the importance of accurate placement of pupils in courses that are challenging and appropriate. Fair and appropriate Mathematics placement will be overseen by the Superintendent or designee.
During the transition from 8th to 9th grade, and or transitioning into grade's 9-12 at Excelsior Charter Schools, the subsequent standards and qualifications will be utilized for a pupil's placement in Mathematics classes:
Multiple objective academic measures will be utilized such as but are not limited to:
- All entering Freshman will take an internal mathematics placement assessment:
- Current 8th Grade students will take the assessment in Spring of 8th Grade.
- Incoming Freshman will take the assessment within 14 days of enrolling with Excelsior Charter School.
- Principal/ Teacher recommendation based upon review of student's most current transcript.
- Examination and consideration of Mathematics assessment score on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) exam.
Students are placed in a math class based on the courses they have taken in middle school and in accordance with the above standards and qualifications. Within the first month (30 calendar days), students will be given an assessment as a "check point" to ensure accurate placement. If a student is found to be inappropriately placed within the first month, then resources will be provided to the student and his or her family with options to remedy the placement concerns.
Annually the Superintendent or their designee will review Math performance data to ensure that pupils who are qualified to progress in mathematics courses are based solely on their performance. No student will be held back based on their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic background.
Education Code:
California Senate Bill No. 359, Chapter 508