English Language Support
English Language Development
Excelsior Charter School District proudly supports English Language Learners. Students who qualify as an English Language Learners are assigned to an English Language Development class based on their language proficiency level and or grade level. Each site offers in-person classes to support language development. The value of biliteracy is emphasized and promoted by all Excelsior Employees.
The ELPAC is the state-mandated assessment that measures a student’s listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English.
For a student who is an English Learner and has a disability, the IEP team must carefully consider the impact the disability has on the student’s English Language proficiency and if the student has met their linguistically appropriate, standards-aligned IEP goals. To determine if it may be appropriate to reclassify a student from English Learner to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient, the IEP team must determine if the student possesses the strategies and skills to access and progress in grade-level content separately from their English language development. It is important to understand that a student might retain eligibility for special education and related services but may no longer need English Learner services, including integrated and designated ELD instructions.